Huonville Early Learing Center
Play Space

Huonville Early Learning Center Play Space

Department of Education


Tasmania’s Department of Education policy to “launch” children into learning is driven by its emphasis on creating quality learning settings and environments to promote learning through play. Central to that vision is the development of exciting, mind developing and physically challenging outdoor play spaces.


The play area at the Huonville Early Learning Centre is scaled and sub-divided to encourage individual and group play – spaces where children can imaginatively explore, be gathered for learning activities and/or get active engaging with the variety of play elements provided. The play space features natural materials (rock, timber, native and edible plants, water and sand), found objects and off-the-shelf play items used in tandem with custom developed features. Access to the various areas and elements has created an immersive environment that nurtures children’s thinking and enhances problem solving skills. The design also gives teachers the opportunity to add their creative talents by adapting features to suit their educational programs.


Inspiring Place are proud to know that the play space features in the school’s promotional materials – a good sign that the area works for teachers and students alike as a place for play and education.   

Photography: Jasmin Latona

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Queens Domain Master Plan 2013-2033


Glenorchy CBD Strategic Framework